About Us


My name's Carey. But considering I'm only seventeen, there's not really much to know about me. I started reading when I was four (Amelia Bedelia was where it was at back then) and Dr. Seuss, and I've been writing since I was at least in fourth grade. I remember my first 'story' that I wrote was about global warming and penguins. My teacher told me that I would be a great writer one day. And now I am a high school gruaduate and I became a published author when I was fifteen. Not many people can say that, can they?

YA is my genre, for both reading and writing. Sarah Dessen is my absolutely favorite, and I've met her three times. Susane Colasanti is also high on my list, as well as John Green and Laurie Halse Anderson. I have been tweeted by four authors before, because I twitter-stalk them all.

In fall 2013, I will be starting college at a community college in my area. Some unfortunate events caused this, but I know that it's best to start off this way. I hope to transfer to UNC Chapel Hill to study creative writing. My dream school is New York University.

I live in North Carolina currently; originally from Georgia and South Carolina. Once I graduate from college I really would like to move to New York, or at least some big city.

Aside from writing and reading, I really enjoy photography. I was the photography club president for three years, and the photography editor for my school's yearbook staff my senior year. I have an internship at Peak City Publishing.



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