Saturday, June 23, 2012

Carey on: Kindle review

Now that I have officially read my first book via kindle, I figured that I might as well blog about my experience. That sounds awkward though.

Anyways, I surprisingly really enjoyed it. So much more than I thought I would have. Even though I said that I will "forever prefer physical books to e-books," I did like it. I liked how weightless it was and I liked knowing the percentage of how far along in the book I was. Especially when it was lower and I was like, "Okay, I'm at 30%. By the time I'm done reading tonight I want to be at 60%!" It was fun for me to have a goal like that. 

I sometimes wished that the font on the screen was smaller, though. (If somebody knows how to change it, let me know!) But that was really the only complaint that I had about it. That and how the screen was always dark, so I had to always keep a light on, but I had to do that for a regular book, too, so it wasn't that much of a difference. If I wanted to buy a light thing for it, I saw that they're only $5 at Target. 

I have a feeling that I'll probably be using it a lot. I like instantly having the book, rather than waiting a few days for Amazon to deliver it (which is where I got a lot of my books because they're so much cheaper online than in stores). Plus they're also a bit cheaper on the kindle.

Let's just see if kindles are allowed in schools!

Review: Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard *Might have spoilers*

Title: Pretty Little Liars 
Author: Sara Shepard
Published: August 21, 2007 by Harper Collins
Pages: 288
Rating: 4 out of 5 
Reviewed by: Carey

Gossip thrives amid the Mercedes-Benzes, mega mansions, and perfectly manicured hedges in the exclusive town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Behind their big Gucci sunglasses, beneath their perfectly pressed Polos, everyone has something to hide, especially high school juniors Spencer, Aria, Emily, and Hanna. Spencer covets her sister's gorgeous new boyfriend. Aria is having an affair with her English teacher. Emily is infatuated with the new girl at school. And Hanna is using some ugly tricks to stay beautiful. Deeper and darker still is a horrible secret the girls have shared since sixth grade -- a secret they thought was safe forever.
Then the girls start receiving threatening messages signed by someone named "A." Could "A" be Alison, the ultra-popular girl who disappeared three years earlier? Alison was their best friend. She knew everything about them. But if Alison isn't "A," who is? And how could anyone else know so much about the bad girls they were and the bad girls they've become? Suddenly, their secrets -- the big ones, the little ones, even the long-buried ones -- no longer seem so secret. Suddenly, nothing is safe in Rosewood. Taken from Barnes n Noble.

Let me start of with saying that this was the first book I read on a Kindle! (I'll make another post about that later.) 

I surprisingly really enjoyed this book. At first I was skeptical about it because there's one huge deciding factor for me whenever I read books: I cannot stand books in third person point of view. I can't stand reading them, I can't stand writing in third person. I'm not sure why. I just can't. But I gave it a chance anyways, because I really do enjoy the television series. That's another thing, I thought I would hate it (sadly) because it would probably be so different than the show. That's why I wanted to read it before I started the show, but I was two seasons too late for that. I started reading this on the third episode of season three, and also right when PLL [finally] got onto netflix. I was happy about that.

Okay, anyways, back to the book. The main thing is for me is that it's sort of unrealistic to me, meaning that I can't relate to it in any way. I don't have a friend who went missing, I don't have a relationship with a teacher, I'm not confused about my sexuality, and I didn't kiss my sister's boyfriend. I know that probably spoiled a lot, but come on. If you watch the show or even the preview, you see a lot. I also thought that it was kind of stupid for Aria's family to randomly move to Iceland, because that is totally unrealistic. 

But at the same time, I couldn't put this book down. Well, that's a lie. I have been busy the past few days (which is why it took me forever to get this up) but whenever I started reading, it would be so hard. I'd have to remind myself that I need to eat or go to work soon. And that's even though I already knew what happened. I also liked how the first book was basically the first episode in a whole. 

It's really hard for me to explain the book, mainly because I already know the show, and also because I don't want to spoil it if some of you haven't seen the show or read the book. I already talked about how I surprisingly liked the writing style and the story was surprisingly close to the show in my opinion. Not perfect, of course, but closer than most.  It's never been hard for me to review a book... but I apologize for that. 
Now I'm just so excited to read more of the series and find out who A is! I hear that it's not like the show when it comes to that... hmmm! Four stars.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Carey on: Kindle or no Kindle?

So, lately some of my friends have been talking about how much they love their Kindles and what not. When they first came out I instantly told myself, "I will never get one because I will forever prefer physical books than digital." And I will always keep to that word. Because, I mean, who doesn't love that new book smell? Or old book smell, in case you got it from a used book store. But that book smell that I love so much.

My friends mainly say that they love how weightless it is and how the books are cheaper. Which, believe me, I'm all for saving money. But is it worth it? I really can't tell. Sure, saving all of the space and money would be nice. I mean, my bookshelf that I got a few months ago is already full. But I just love that awesome feeling I get when I get a new book. You know what I mean?

Also: considering that Kindles are electric, are they allowed in schools? You would think so, right? Because I read all of the time in school, I don't want to be told that I can't read because my book is on a tablet. That will probably end up being a deciding factor for me.

Right now I'm borrowing my mom's Kindle to try it out. She has a regular first generation, the one where you  can't do anything but read. Like no wifi or games or apps or anything. It's also really dark. Meaning that for me, a Kindle Fire is what I would be saving up for. But my mom also doesn't really use her Kindle (how lame is that?!) so I could also just use hers.

Speaking of reading, I'm now reading the Pretty Little Liars series, or at least the first book. I love the show, so hopefully I will like the books. I was reading Keeping Secrets by Alyson Noel, but honestly, I couldn't force myself to finish the first book in it (it was a two-in-one), which was Faking 19. So, let's just say that I won't be reviewing that one any time soon. Maybe I'll finish it one day, maybe I won't. We'll see.

Until next time!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Carey on: New Sarah Dessen Covers?

Two weeks ago, Sarah Dessen announced that her paperbacks were going to get new covers. At first I was sort of "eh" about it. I love the original covers of any book more than their new ones (except for So Much Closer by Susane Colasanti, I think the paperback cover is better than the hard cover, sue me). So I was nervous about how Penguin was going to do with them.

And then they started to be released, one a day for each book on a different website. And oh my gosh I loved them all so much! Well, for the most part, at least. Check them out (and my opinions because I can):


I love the sunglasses, and how they're closer to the camera lens than the couple. I think the color scheme is a lot better than the original as well.

I don't quite understand why exactly they're butterflies on the new cover. But I don't think there should be a couple (which there's not) on it, considering Macon and Halley don't end up together in the end. (Sorry for the spoiler if you haven't read it!)

I always thought that the original was so awkward. I mean, a picture of this girl's shorts is just so awkward! Although I do love the sunglasses there, the new cover is perfect! There were a lot of fireworks in the story and I love the model's positions. Plus, I bet that it was fun to shoot!

I think this is the only new cover that I don't like. I don't really understand at all. And I think that it's too bright for Dreamland. Dreamland is so dark and eerie that it deserves a darker cover. This just doesn't do it for me.

Love the color, love the guitar pick, and love the guitar. Perfect, perfect, perfect!

I wanted that bracelet the second that I saw the new cover. I even went over to AC Moore and got some beads and a wishbone charm to make one! Yeah, that didn't work out quite so well, so I just bought one on Etsy hehe. I love the colors, the bracelet, and it's just perfect. (This is probably my favorite Dessen book, by the way.)

How cute is that?! Answer: extremely.

I'm glad that they still kept her listening to music on the cover, considering that was a big part. I just like how you can see her entire body positioned how I always thought she was while she listened to the mix. The colors are perfect, too. I know I keep saying that...

This is my favorite new cover. I just like how it's so bold and it just shoves the key in your face. Once again, the colors are perf. Oh, and here's a fun fact. I named my new car after Ruby! Not because I'm "so obsessed" or anything. It's just that she's red, and Ruby was the first thing that came to mind. Plus, Ruby loves to get out and she drove around a lot with her mom. It was perfect! Look at her!

So quaint. 

I always thought that the original cover was adorable, yet sort of awkward and uncomfortable. I still think that it should have been darker outside in both covers, just because they're both insomniacs and they meet in the night a lot. But I love the color of the bike (of course I do, right?) 

What Happened to Goodbye, her latest novel (May 2011) isn't getting a new cover, considering the fact that it isn't out in paperback yet. And honestly, I thought that this was the only cover that should have gotten a new one. I don't know why I don't like it, but I don't.

Dessen will be coming out with her latest book, Someone Else's Summer in May 2013. Originally it was to be named The Best After Ever, but (and you can read on her blog why) her publisher decided to change the title. Someone Else's Summer is set in the fictional beach town of Colby, where several of Dessen’s novels take place, it features 18-year-old Emmeline, who is spending her last summer before college working for her family’s vacation rental business and enjoying a summer romance with a young aspiring filmmaker. It sucks that we have to wait another year until it comes out, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait! 

Review: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Title: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Released: October 18, 2007 by Razorbills
Pages: 304
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed by: Carey

Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker--his classmate and crush--who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out how he made the list. Through Hannah and Clay's dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers. 


I heard many things about this book before I read it. I heard that I wasn't going to be able to put it down, that it was so good, that it was sad and heartbreaking. 

I have come to the conclusion that all of that is true.

I could not put the book down at all. Finished it in only a few hours, it was so good. I wanted to know Hannah's story. I wanted to know why Clay was in there if he liked her so much. And then after I found out, I wanted to know who else was on Hannah's list and how it all ended.

I loved how everything and everybody tied together. I loved how it had two different narrators and point of views. I loved how, even though it was published in 2007, the "suicide note" was on cassette tapes. It just made it so much more original and made me love it that much more.

This really happens. People spread rumors about people which may cause bad things to happen. They do try to reach out sometimes, but nobody sees anything different, nobody notices. Nobody tries to help. And then that person is gone one day. Granted most people don't send around seven tapes and thirteen reasons why they did kill themselves, but that's what makes this story great. Everybody is different.

This story could speak out to so many people of all ages. This novel should honestly be a required reading in high schools. Every school should have a Peer Communications class like their school does. This book needs to be read by every one. Five stars.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Review: Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

Title: Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen
Released: May 1, 1998 by Penguin
Pages: 281
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed by: Carey

Halley has always followed in the wake of her best friend, Scarlett. But when Scarlett learns that her boyfriend has been killed in a motorcycle accident, and that she's carrying his baby, she's devastated. For the first time ever, Scarlett really needs Halley. Their friendship may bend under the weight, but it'll never break--because a true friendship is a promise you keep forever.


If you didn't already know this, Sarah Dessen is my all time favorite author. I've met her, I've been tweeted by her, and I've read all of her books. This is actually the first one that I read by her, back in 2008. I, of course, just re-read it. 

Sarah Dessen books always seem sort of the same to me, honestly. There's a girl who falls in love with a guy who's way different than her and her parents usually don't like them, and so on. Dessen always seems to incorporate something different in each though. A divorce, a new baby, moving around so many times, etc. In Someone Like You, it was Halley's best friend getting pregnant. I'm more surprised that there aren't more books about teenage pregnancy.  I think this is the only one I've read ever, if not one other. That's what I love about Dessen.

The first time I read Someone Like You, I was in love with it. I was in love with the Macon/Halley relationship, and how Halley changed throughout the book. The second time, four years later, I couldn't really get that into it, or at least not as into it. Maybe it's because I've seen How to Deal, and the entire time I  was thinking about Ashley in That Summer and I momentarily forgot that those were two different books (my bad) , but I just kept thinking about How to Deal and how they acted different (at least to me) from they should have in the book. I hate how movies ruin books sometimes, but that's just what happens. Books > movies. Always. 

But anyways, I just feel like, and maybe it's because I'm not into the partying crowd, but I feel like I just couldn't relate to Someone Like You as much as I wanted to. The story line was so perfect though, it really was. This really happens in real life. Teenagers grow apart from their parents, teens get pregnant, teens fall in love with other teens who change them even more. And Dessen proves that perfectly with all of her books. Overall rating, 3.5.

PS: I just LOVE the new paperback cover design! I love all of them so much.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Review: Keep Holding On by Susane Colasanti

Title: Keep Holding On by Susane Colasanti
Published: May 31, 2012 by Viking
Pages: 224
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed by: Carey

Don’t look up.
Lunch is the worst, but there’s no safe place at school for Noelle. Keeping her mortifying home life a secret and trying to ignore the kids who make her life miserable are Noelle’s survival strategies. Her emotionally distant boyfriend, Matt, isn’t the one she really wants to be with. But there’s no way she could ever be with Julian Porter.
When Julian starts talking to her, Noelle is terrified. It seems safer to stay with Matt than risk a broken heart. But when the bullying of a friend goes too far, Noelle realizes it’s time to stand up for herself—and for everything that makes her keep holding on.  


Note: I read this book within around four hours. I loved it that much.

I noticed one thing about this book instantly: and it was not focused solely around a guy. Sure, we were introduced to both Julian and Matt soon into the book (and the cover has a couple on it) but it was mainly focused on her being neglected at home and bullied at school.

In middle school, I was bullied a lot. Sometimes I still am, but it was mainly just middle and junior high, before I moved to North Carolina. I was bullied because of the fact that I was on food stamps and I was poor. So I knew going into this book exactly what to expect. I do have both of my parents, but one of my closest friends has one mom and I practically live at her house so I understand that aspect a little.

Colasanti was spot on with the bullying. It's never been that bad for me, mainly because it was in junior high, but to the point where it was physical. It was all rumors and talk. But reading that scene with Carly and Noelle, my heart was beating so fast. And it broke my heart at some points because I felt the same way she did.

I loved Keep Holding On. I loved that she wasn't focused on boys in this novel and that she focused on something that is really going around and could hurt people. It send out a great message and tells everyone that they need hope. They need to keep holding on. They need to take control of their life and want to make it better. And they need to never, ever give up (Susane Colasanti tweeted me that when she read my personal blog once!) Definitely a 4.5 stars.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Review: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

Title: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Published: March 2, 2012 by Harper
Pages: 470
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.
Reviewed by: Carey

What if you had only one day to live? 
What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life? 
Samantha Kingston has it all: the world's most crush-worthy boyfriend, three amazing best friends, and first pick of everything at Thomas Jefferson High—from the best table in the cafeteria to the choicest parking spot. Friday, February 12, should be just another day in her charmed life.
 Instead, it turns out to be her last. 
Then she gets a second chance. Seven chances, in fact. Reliving her last day during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death—and discover the true value of everything she is in danger of losing.


I think the cover of this is just so cute! I love the model's eyes. Just thought I'd let you know that.

The thing about Before I Fall, at least in my opinion, is that it just drags on and on and on. Seven days of the same exact thing, knowing what will happen, just like Sam will. I found myself wanting to skip over paragraphs from time to time (of course I didn't, but that's beside the point.) I felt like seven days was way too long for this plot, even if Sam did make minor changes each day. The only thing that really kept me going was her growing love for Kent.

Okay, there's something that I have to get off of my chest: I am in love with Kent myself. His personality is so quirky and adorable and I love it. It reminds me of this kid I went to middle school with who went by KT, but his first name was Kent. KT was really quirky and sometimes adorable. But since I moved, I have no idea what he's like now. 

Most of the characters irritated me. Maybe it's just because I'm not popular, and I get irritated easily if people my age or are in high school drink and bully people (yes, even fictional characters, don't judge me).  But Lindsay and Rob irritated me the most. Lindsay was just a straight up bitch, honestly, and I'm glad that Juliet stood up for herself as the last thing she tried to do. Rob was really annoying and only wanted to get down Sam's pants the entire time. And it just makes me more happy that Sam finally realized that. Ally and Elody (what kind of name is Elody?) were alright. Elody amused me, though. At least for the most part. We didn't really see a lot of Ally, just beside the fact that she's insanely rich.

It's sort of funny, actually. When I was in eighth grade, I wrote a short story like this. Girl wakes up, she does everything wrong, gets into a car crash, and then she gets another chance (just one, not seven). I called it Deja Vu, and it won a contest and I got to meet and have lunch with David Lubar (Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie). That was quite an experience. 

For the most part, Before I Fall was a good book. The plot is a good idea, and I love that Sam realizes that she was doing everything wrong, even if she's dying in the process. If it didn't drag out so long and go on for the same day seven times, I feel like I would like it even better though. Three and a half stars.

Carey on: Susane Colasanti's New Book

My second favorite author's new book came out on 5/31 (officially, anyways!)
I guarantee that you guess correctly: Susane Colasanti's Keep Holding On.

It was tough trying to get this book. You really have no idea. 
So, I ordered it on Amazon in mid May because that was the last time I got paid (stupid car accident, messing up my work schedule and pay checks). I even ordered it to get it delivered to my house on 5/31. So, I assumed that it would take the money out then, right? I even got an email saying my order was confirmed and everything. But no. I got an email on 5/30 saying that because I only had around three dollars in my bank account, they couldn't place the order. So, I emailed them saying that I got an email saying that they had already taken the money out of the account. Apparently something happened with them and blah blah blah. So, I cancelled my order so I wouldn't go in the negatives and I had to wait even longer to get KHO.
FINALLY, I got paid by my photography adviser and instantly headed over to Barnes n Noble to get it<3 I hated paying 20 bucks for it though, but it was worth it<3

I also just finished Before I Fall, so I'll be reviewing that soon too. And now onto Keep Holding On
Happy reading!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Review: Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson

Title: Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Published: March 19, 2009 by Viking
Pages: 278
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed by: Carey

"Dead girl walking,” the boys say in the halls. “Tell us your secrets,” the girls whisper, one toilet to another.I am that girl.I am the space between my thighs, daylight shining through.I am the bones they want, wired on a porcelain frame.
Lia and Cassie were best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies. But now Cassie is dead. Lia’s mother is busy saving other people’s lives. Her father is away on business. Her stepmother is clueless. And the voice inside Lia’s head keeps telling her to remain in control, stay strong, lose more, weigh less. If she keeps on going this way – thin, thinner, thinnest – maybe she’ll disappear altogether.
In her most emotionally wrenching, lyrically written book since the National Book Award finalist Speak, bestselling author Laurie Halse Anderson explores one girl’s chilling descent into the all-consuming vortex of anorexia." 


As you will [soon] learn, Laurie Halse Anderson is one of my top five favorite authors. I've read everything of her YA books, from Speak to Wintergirls over the past few years. And I really can't tell you how much I honestly love every little thing about this book! 

My top favorite thing about this book is the way that it's written. It's in first person, meaning that you get to read the main character's mind. Lia, the main character, is struggling with anorexia. I really like how Halse Anderson will cross out stuff that Lia is thinking. It's like Lia wants to get better, or at least knows in the back of her mind that she needs to get better. But she can't because she wants to be like Cassie, her best friend.

I have a friend who is anorexic. Sometimes she'll let me into her mind and tell me what it's like. How she'll constantly want to work out, or how she's always counting calories. Hiding the fact that she's really losing weight. How she truly thinks. The way that Halse Anderson described how Lia was feeling was spot on. My friend, who has read Wintergirls, said the same thing.

There is only one thing I dislike about it: the fact that it could be triggering. (It doesn't just deal with anorexia.) And I'm not going to lie; it was almost triggering towards me. The main thing is, is that you should just be careful when you read Wintergirls, because you better read it.

Overall, Wintergirls perfectly and realistically brings you through a teenage girl's horrifying secret as it takes over her once and for all. Wintergirls is [definitely] my favorite YA novel written by Halse Anderson. Five stars.

Well, hello!

First blog post... yay! (:  I'm really excited about doing this. You can probably thank Magnet4Books for the inspiration, and also every YA author out there. Also Janice, the owner of a local used bookstore in Downtown Apex called All Booked Up (it's my favorite place, and not just because Janice is awesome).

So, currently I'm waiting for a paycheck from either Lowes or LM Focus so that I can buy some more books. I really can't wait for Susane Colasanti's Keep Holding On which comes out TOMORROW! It's already been at Barnes and Noble for the past week, but since I haven't been working for the past two months due to the car accident, my bank account is all dried out. [Insert sad face here.] But one of my friends is letting me borrow a book and I'm also rereading one of my all time favorite currently.

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

I'm only around 40 pages into the 470 page book, but it shouldn't take too long. So expect that soon!

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Everybody and their mother is reading The Hunger Games series, and I honestly don't blame them! I'm obsessed with the series. One of my friends was in the movie, believe it or not! She played as Cato's stylist, and you can see her in the movie. Also another girl who graduated last year from my high school played District 10's girl tribute. How awesome is that?!  Considering the fact that a) everybody is reading this series, and b) I'm rereading it for the third time, I'm not sure if I'll end up reviewing it. We'll see what happens!

What books do you recommend for me? I prefer physical copies, but Kindles are possible as well. Just leave a comment or email me!