Review Policy

Book Review Policy

Hello, authors, publishers, and avid book blog readers! Thank you for your interest in my blog. We are ecstatic that you would us to read and review your book, or even review one of your favorite books.
We are more than happy to accept books (ARCs, finished copies, and ebooks) for review, although the ebook must be a Kindle edition. 
We are currently accepting all types novels! Carey mainly focuses on young adult, although Krysta will read anything. If you want only one of us to review it, let us know who specifically, otherwise we will just decide by ourselves. We have no problem accepting self-published novels, as well!
We cannot guarantee a positive review, we will be completely fair and honest. We will never bash a book, but instead aim to give a constructive critique on what we did not enjoy.  
Reviews will include: the book cover, synopsis, publication information, rating, links to purchase it online, and our thoughts on the book. Reviews will also be posted on Goodreads and Amazon.  Any specific requests for the review, i.e. when it should be posted, will be respected when possible.
To authors: If you would like to participate in a guest post or a giveaway, that would be fantastic. That way, you and your books get more coverage.
Contact: If you have suggestions, or would like me to review your book, please send an email to me directly at with the subject of "Review Request." If you have any specific instructions (ie, deadlines), please make sure to mention that in the email, along with what book you would like me to review. 
Once again, thank you for your interest in our blog (:

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