Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Carey on: Meeting Susane Colasanti

As you all know, I spent the past weekend in the greatest city of America: New York City. It was honestly one of the hardest things ever, getting there. I was supposed to leave Friday afternoon, and my flight was cancelled, and I thought it was a sign, telling me that NYC wasn't going to be what I thought it was, that I would have a horrible time. But I was wrong. It surpassed what I expected and it was honestly so perfect. I had the best weekend of my life. I cried on the way back (which, by the way, my flight out was delayed, so I didn't even leave until about 11:15pm or so). I just can't wait to go back.

A canoli and cookie dough cupcake
Anyways, so it was Monday morning. My brother and I had just gotten back to the hotel at about 9:15 after being in Times Square for Good Morning America (I was right next to Sam on national television!!) and we took our showers, and Andrew suggested we go take the subway to the lower part of the city that we have yet to go to, then go to the Empire State Building, something he really wanted to do. So of course I told him we could go, since majority of the trip was me suggesting things we do. So we get off the subway and we start walking towards it, and then we're literally right in front of Crumbs. Crumbs is this perfect cupcake shop (and I mean perfect) that Susane Colasanti wrote about in So Much Closer. And when I see it, I immediately told him that we needed to go in because I mean, it's right there, my favorite author wrote about it, it's supposed to be superb, so why not go?


We go in and everything looks so perfect and it took us ten minutes to decide what cupcake to get and Andrew sits on the bench and sit in the chair facing him and have a typical white girl moment where I just have to Instagram our cupcakes. About five minutes later, a woman asks my brother if she can sit next to us. And when I look up, my heart literally stopped and I started crying and I'm pretty sure I looked like a deer because Susane Colasanti was standing right over me and sitting down right next to my brother. Oh my god, I have tears in my eyes just writing this and I'm not even sorry.

She went on to tell me me how Andrew emailed her a couple of months ago asking if she would meet with a super big fan for a graduation present and then he pulled out all seven of my books by her (technically I have eight since I won a contest, but I guess Andrew didn't get that one). I was so confused because I had no idea how Andrew got in my room and stole my books without me noticing before we left for the airport. Especially since we had to go back home on Friday night. I guess I was just so irritated that I wasn't in NY that I just went straight to sleep without looking at my bookshelf haha.

So anyways, we're talking, she starts signing my books, she tells me that she recognized me from how I'm always twitter stalking her (she didn't say it like that, I did haha), and how she went to see Paul McCartney (I was wearing a Beatles shirt), and I was still freaking out because Susane Colasanti was right in front of me. I just couldn't.  It was literally the best thing ever. And then she suggests that we take a bunch of pictures!


She signed my books with all different messages, usually going along with something in the book she was signing. For two of them, she accidentally wrote "Corey" in them, and she tweeted later, saying how she was an idiot because she signed seven books to a special reader (I'm a special reader! Aw!), but alas, only two! She also tweeted that she would send me her pen so I can fix it, but I couldn't tell if she was serious haha. But she seriously did say for reals. And she does know my address. That'd be so fab. I'd probably never use the pen except to change the "o" to an "a," and probably just keep it in a special place haha. I'm such a dork. I even told her that I'm probably in the top thirty of her biggest fans. Honestly, I'm probably higher up than that. I just didn't want to freak her out. Even though I know she's going to read this (she told me that she was excited to read what I'd write on here about this, aw!). I promise I'm not that obsessed or anything. I just love her so much.

Okay, to wrap this up, I'm just going to say how so amazing, nice, funny, and thoughtful Susane is. I couldn't believe she'd take time out of her day, especially when she's working on book number eight right now, to meet with a fan. And she's so pretty, too! Like I'm not even sucking up to her; she's so gorgeous! And she even told me when she was leaving that hopefully she'll see me again. I fangirled so hard when the door closed.

Thank you so much Susane for making my New York trip the best trip of my life. You're the best<3

1 comment:

  1. Carey! This is so awesome! I am literally smiling the entire time while reading this. I can't wait to read your book!

    Mrs. Mellette
