Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Review: So Much Closer by Susane Colasanti

So Much Closer by Susane Colasanti
Released: May 3, 2011
Publisher: Viking
Pages: 241
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Reviewed by: Carey
Synopsis:When Brooke's crush, Scott, moves from their suburban town to New York City, she decides to follow him there. Living with her formerly estranged dad and adapting to a new school are challenging, and things go from bad to worse when Brooke learns that Scott already has a girlfriend. But as she builds her new life, Brooke begins to discover a side of herself she never knew existed. And as she finds out, in the city that never sleeps, love can appear around any corner...


My favorite thing about this novel is that it's in New York City. It describes it so perfectly (actually, I don't know, I have yet to go) and Colasanti uses actual real places. Another thing I love about this novel is Brooke. I love that she's so smart, more than a genius, actually, but doesn't care. She just acts as though she's a regular student.

What I hate about this novel is how unrealistic it is. I highly doubt that a seventeen year old would actually move states to be with someone she loves, but he doesn't even know who she is. Doesn't even know her name; only knows that she likes origami. That just wouldn't really happen. Ususally Colasanti is good about making things so realistic, but this time she didn't.

What I didn't understand was when John told Brooke that he loves her, how she just took his hand, saying she would never let go, even though she had said profusely that she didn't have feelings for him. Arg.

WHAT I LOVE ABOUT THIS NOVEL, THOUGH, is the wish box. I love love love that! I lied; that is my favorite thing about it. I even got my own wish box after I read it the first time (a little over a year ago). Have any of those wishes come true, nope. But one day they will. I just know. Just like Brooke believes in The Knowing.

Something Colasanti is really good at doing is making each character their own. Minor characters, at least. Like I said in the Something Like Fate review is that Colasanti tends to write the same-but-different main character. But each minor character is different from anyone in any of her books. For example, John. He has a learning disability, but yet is still so driven. It's great. He's so inspirational (even Brooke said so herself). 

And don't get me started on April and Candice. Some friends they are. Hmph. I'm so glad that she found Sadie, or rather that Sadie found Brooke and pushed her into tutoring, which then had her meet John. And then realized that she needs to take pride in her genius-ness. Go Sadie; it's all thanks to her!

So Much Closer's paperback has a different cover than the hardcover. I'm pretty sure that this was Colasanti's first book to have a different cover when turned paperback. Here it is:

I definitely think this one is so much cuter. I just love the colors, you know? I wish it was on the High Line, though, which is what I'm assuming that the original cover is going for. 

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