Friday, June 7, 2013

Carey on: The Moon and More Book Tour

This was my third time meeting Sarah. Once when What Happened to Goodbye came out, and the second was for the paperback tour of WHTG. The event that I went to was held on June 3rd, at The Regulator in Durham, NC. I was lucky, because I live literally twenty minutes from Sarah, that I got to go and see her a day before pub day. It was probably the best night I've had in a while. I sat next to my favorite book bloggers, Magnet 4 Books, Alli and Tiffani, and also met Lauren (Nose in a Book). Alli, Tiffani, and I were the last three people in line to have Sarah sign our books. We got to talk to her for around fifteen, twenty minutes. It was absolutely amazing. Apparently she dated my high school counselor. She actually asked me to record a video message of her to show him so I have a video of her talking directly to me and my counselor and she told me to do it, and I couldn't believe it. I also won the first trivia question (in The Truth About Forever, my favorite book by her, what was Wes's brother's first car when he got his license? AN AMBULANCE, DUH.) and I got this fabulous Colby Reality shirt. It's soooooo soft, and it's perfect for my super bad sunburn right now. And I got some Colby stickers for my car.

Picture time!

"Don't give up on your dreams---- they will soon be a reality!" I thought of this quote literally as I was waiting in line. She signed maybe four of my books at a previous event saying, "Never give up!" I didn't want all of my books to say the same thing, and I thought this was absolutely perfect. As my future is becoming a lot closer, and the possibilities are coming at me, this is so true. Plus, considering the fact that some people I know think that I am way too ambitious. But hey. When I'm a best-selling author, I can rub it in their faces and tell them that they were wrong. 

The morning after the event, I decided to tweet this picture and say, "Reppin Colby Reality! @sarahdessen" and she retweeted me. She never retweets fans!  I literally fangirled so hard.

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