Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Carey on: Why I Hate Libraries

Oh, libraries. I loved them when I was a kid. I mean, my mom would take me to the library every other week and I would come out with one, if not two, bags full of Junie B. Jones or Amelia Bedlia books, and I was only five or six. The library I went to in Atlanta was fabulous. The kids section was amazing. I bet the library is even better now, since it's been a good twelve years since I've lived in Atlanta.

But then I moved and stopped going to libraries because they were far away from where I lived and my mother wasn't going to drive me that far to get a couple of books. It wasn't until I got my first job in 2011 when I started to get back into reading a lot. I started to build my own personal library. Since 2011, I've probably spent well over $400 dollars on just one bookshelf that I have (I have two...almost three, I need to get a new one soon). It's worth it though, because I honestly do hate libraries. And here is a detailed list why:

1. I like to have my own personal copies of books. Simple as that.
2. Libraries seem to never have the book you want to read. Whether it's checked out or they just don't have it, it's never there. 
3. You have to read them by a certain time.
4. There's no minimum in how many books you can get.
5. It's like they only have one copy of each book.
6. The YA section is always so scarce and only has the same authors. 
7. They never really update the YA section.
8. The librarians always seem so upset to be there. Like, if you're going to work in a setting with books, please enjoy your job. 

I could go on for a while longer, and even make it more detailed and elaborate on each reason. But I won't do that to you.

Anyways, I have a friend who loves the library. She'll sometimes ask me to take her since she doesn't have her license. Today was one of those days. So, of course, I say yes. I go to the computer to pull up the catalog, and pull up my Goodreads to-read list. And, of course, they don't have but four books that I wanted to read, out of sixty on my to-read list. At that point I just ended up scanning the shelves and found an author that I really wanted to start reading and grabbed, like, five of them.

So, I actually left with nine books today. To be honest, I probably won't read half of them, just because I hate reading books that people have already read. It doesn't have the new book smell. Corners are dog tagged. One of the books has water damage. Stains could be anywhere, people can write in them, etc. But this way, if I like the books enough, I can always buy them for my own library.

So within the next few days/weeks, be ready for reviews of these books: Shut Out by Kody Keplinger (which I'm nervous about, only because I couldn't get into DUFF at all), Don't Breathe a Word by Holly Cupala, The Story of Us, The Secret Life of Prince Charming, The Fortune of Indigo Skye, all by Deb Caletti, The Treasure Map of Boys by E. Lockhart, Struck by Lightening by Chris Colfer, Take a Bow by Elizabeth Eulberg, and Lola and the Boy Next door by Stephanie Perkins. I'm also re-reading Take Me There by Susane Colasanti, so expect that one either tonight or tomorrow morning!

Reason 9 Why I Hate Libraries: They had the last two books in the Perfect Chemistry series, but not the first one. It wasn't even in the catalog. Like, what the heck?!

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